Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

Now that the casting call has gone out, we potentially have a number of new folks reading our blog who are curious about what this here project is all about. I thought I would go back through the archives a bit and pull out some posts that might help give you a better picture.

(By the way, we still have a handful of roles available - some small, some less small. If you're interested, please read the casting call and drop us a line. We begin recording in just under two months.)

What's this show about again?
The best place to start would be what we're calling the "dustjacket summary" of the show - that will likely find its way into one of the trailers, or at least the iTunes description. Or you can read one of Jason's early descriptions wherein he can't decide if it is a road story, buddy movie, urban fantasy, coming-of-age story, or something else entirely. We have been somewhat inspired by Slavic mythology (and when I say "inspired" I mean "loosely inspired"). You can learn a bit about the deities we are inviting into our little universe, as well as some fun tidbits about Slavic sympathetic magic.

You two appear to be quite witty and charming. Does your show reflect that aspect of your respective personalities?
I'm glad you asked. Jason is not the only indecisive one on the writing team. For several months I struggled with the emotional tone of our scripts. At first, I thought it was going to be a fairly serious show. But as we're nearing the end of the writing process, I have finally seen the light, and fully acknowledge that yes, I have a "campy" gene -- and I am not the least bit ashamed of it.

Okay, so it's funny. What are the characters like?
Somewhere down the line, we realized that we had created 30 unique characters for this show. Granted, many of them have creative names like "Guard #2" - but since our main character is traveling throughout the entire show - he meets a lot of different folks. Unwieldy, perhaps. But the beautiful part is that we get to involve as many people as possible in the process - which couldn't make me happier. (Did I mention the casting call?)

Our lead characters are already cast - since most of them were written with specific folks in mind. Several of them (but not all) are featured in the blog. And while some aspects of the characters have changed since we wrote the profiles, the essence of who they are seem to be pretty intact. You can read about Alex, our main character, his Great Aunt Olga, his best friend Viper, and Klaus, an old family rival. You can also get to know Mags, Alex's haunted GPS - who often leads him to diners, where he meets various waitresses.

What made you decide to do this?
I think Jason describes our motivation very well in his opening post.

And are you finished yet?
We are very, very close. The finish line for script-writing is within reach - and we have set dates for recording. Music is being composed, sound effects are being located, space for a make-shift recording studio is being rented, actors are showing up. This thing is actually going to happen, and happen soon. I can't guarantee a release date yet, because we're not sure how long post-production is going to take - but I would imagine that by the end of the year, we're going to have ourselves a podcast. And then I'm going to have a Reuben sandwich to celebrate.