Sunday, November 15, 2009

Wherein River admits she was wrong

Okay. I was wrong. I'll admit it. The podcast is funny.

Now that we're several scripts in and have a good chunk of the finale written, I have to admit - it's not nearly as serious as I thought it might be when I wrote this post. That's not to say that there aren't some poignant moments. We just wrote one this afternoon. But by-and-large, we're not taking ourselves all that seriously, and it's turning out to be... not a comedy, per se... but fun. Lots of fun.

At least for us. The jury is still out on the rest of you folks.

I'm also excited to report that we're nearing the home stretch with script-writing. We opted to jump ahead and write the finale, which is one of the best decisions I think we've made as a writing team. Having a stronger sense of how the story ends helps us make the rest of it better and more relevant. I'm finding myself much more motivated to finish editing Episode 2 now that I know where these original conversations and confrontations will ultimately lead.

We're also at a place where we can start weaving in other resources to help us make the show even better. I happen to live with an amateur-but-should-be-professional-because-he's-that-good composer, and he's agreed to start writing a soundtrack. (Yes!) Another good friend of mine is a former DJ and used to do a great radio sketch-comedy show a few years back. He's helping us with recording advice and equipment. It's good to have a well-rounded group of friends that we can exploit ... er... help them to express their creative gifts in new and interesting ways. That's it.

I have to admit, the last couple of writing sessions have really rekindled my excitement for this little project - and now that we're able to visualize the finish line, I'm totally psyched. More soon!

(Also, thank you for not mentioning the fact that our last blog post was in September. October was a rather busy month.)

1 comment:

  1. Standing by to be exploited. That just sounds so wrong. You know what I mean.
