Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Future Is Now

Happy New Year, everyone! I'm excited to be writing our first blog post of 2010... for it is now The Future. And here in The Future, we humans may not have mastered the technology required for me to have that candy apple red hovercraft I've been wanting since age 8 -- but we have created a condenser microphone that looks a lot like a spaceship.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the best present I got for Christmas this year:

Is it not the most adorable thing you've ever seen? But since this is 2010, and therefore, The Future, I keep waiting for it to suddenly turn on and say something like: "ALL THESE WORLDS ARE YOURS EXCEPT EUROPA. ATTEMPT NO LANDING THERE."

Y'know... because if you flip it sideways, it kind of looks like this:

Which for you non-geeks out there who have no idea what I'm talking about, click here and put it on your Netflix queue. Or better yet, go to the library and get the book.

Anyhow, my good friend Eric knew that I wanted this microphone for the podcast, and he was sweet enough to get it for me. (Well, actually he got it for himself and is loaning it to me indefinitely. But that doesn't make it any less cool of a gift.) So thanks, Eric!

Jason and I got together for our first writing meeting of the new year last Sunday - and we christened the new microphone by recording a snippet of Episode 1 so I could start playing with adding sound effects and music. The result?

It wasn't as awful as it could have been.

I know, ringing endorsement, right? We're proving to be much better writers than actors... by a long shot. But we're definitely improving. And as I listen to other audio drama podcasts to hear what other folks in the podiosphere are doing, I have discovered that I am consistently willing to forgive a whole lot of bad acting if the story and production quality is really good. I hope our listeners are as generous. I've got a steep learning curve when it comes to putting the audio effects together - but I have access to some great resources and a whole lot of creative minds I can tap for help. What more could a girl ask for?

Maybe a recording studio in the basement? But barring that, I'm more than content with my adorable microphone that looks like a spaceship. All is right in my world.