Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A little help here?

As we get closer to actually having something to record, it's becoming more clear that we need to have something to record on and with. My computer went brain-dead last week (which sucks rocks, let me tell you) but it also provides me with a unique opportunity to find a new machine and software that will best suit our recording needs.

Not that the podcast is my #1 priority for buying a computer, mind you. But it does rank up pretty high up there - and recording music is on the top of my priority list, which dovetails pretty nicely into any sort of audio recording. Also on my priority list is graphic design capability, and a need to play stupid computer games while I'm procrastinating on recording or writing.

So... any tech gurus out there that might be able to help a not-as-tech-savvy-as-she-once-was girl out? If you could buy any recording equipment, software, hardware... what would you get? Why do you prefer that set-up over another?

Thanks in advance for any help you're willing to give.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

We're still alive, if not kicking.

My, it's been a while since we've posted. Our abject apologies. Both Jason and I have been prepping for and attending a leadership intensive at a retreat center we occasionally frequent -- and life has been a bit hectic. Not much has happened in podcast-land, but that's about to change.

Jason and I had the opportunity during this week-long intensive to sit down and hash out the episode list for the series. We've mapped out all twelve (yes! twelve!) episodes of the podcast, and I have to say, I'm pretty excited about the trajectory. No comments necessary about the fact that we should have done this say... 6 or 7 months ago when we started writing scripts. We've got it now, we know who is responsible for which episode and which piece of character development, and the momentum is starting to pick up once again.

More from us soon. The next couple of days will be an act of reacclimating to life in Chicago. This crazy-podcast train will start up again very, very soon. Stay tuned!