Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Too wonderful not to post here...

I've been spreading this one around since I love it so much.

Rather than spend months trying to painstakingly work out a plot for the sequel to Season 1 of the podcast, I believe that Jason and I will just use the handy Electro-plasmic Hydrocephalic Genre-Fiction 2000, described in Wondermark, one of my favorite web comics.

Besides, it will save us a few bucks on giant Post-it notes.

And just when I thought we couldn't get any lazier, a brilliant man named Liam Cooke designed an Automatic Fiction Generator.

So here's the plot for Season 2*:

The Astrodroids

In a leather-clad Japan, a young journeyman inventor stumbles across a magic diadem which spurs him into conflict with an army led by a sadist, with the help of a leather-clad female in shades and her discomfort in formal wear, culminating in a heroic sacrifice that no one will ever remember.

*(Hell, it might even be the plot to Season 1, if we don't get in gear and finish this sucker before 2017.)