Sunday, April 25, 2010

Call for Visual Artists

Attention visual artists!

We are looking for someone (or several someones) to create album artwork for each of our episodes. The count currently stands at 10 episodes - maybe 11, depending on whether or not we split the finale into a two-parter. (We're still on the fence about that.) Ideally, we'd like each episode to have it's own unique artwork attached to it.

As much as we'd like to, we won't be able to pay you for your work -- but we will promote the heck out of you.

If you're interested in donating some time and artistic talent, then please contact us by commenting on this post, or emailing river.roberts at gmail dot com or hess42 at gmail dot com. It would be great if you could send us a small sample of some of your work. If it seems like a good match, we'll let you know what we need and give you some plot points to get you started.

Thanks! Feel free to pass the word along to your friends, enemies (as long as they don't decide to become our enemies, mind you), or anyone else you think might be interested.