Sunday, March 29, 2009

Who are you again?

Being the intelligent, astute, and undoubtedly attractive readers that you are, I would imagine that you have a few questions. Such as:

1. Where is the podcast and how do I download it?
2. Who are you people?
3. What does an audio drama podcast, or blog about an audio drama podcast, have to do with a Reuben sandwich?
4. Are you really that good-looking in person, River?

I will do my best to answer your questions in the order that they were received:

1. The podcast does not exist yet. Emphasis on the word yet. We have written scripts for a handful of episodes, and will begin the recording process shortly. We decided that writing a blog about our process might keep us from losing momentum and slacking off (a talent that both Jason and I share), as well as provide a forum for ideas and suggestions from you, dear readers. More details to come in future updates.

2. We're just a couple of aspiring writers in Chicago who decided to add one more project onto an already full plate. Er... plates. A couple of fun facts: I am a pretty decent drummer, Jason excels at Rock Band. I love to play games, Jason designs them. I completed my writing goals this week, Jason did not. Just sayin'.

3. The Reuben sandwich actually does play a fairly significant role in the podcast. When it finally comes out, you'll understand. You'll probably shake your heads ruefully and say, "What the hell?" but you will understand. Suffice it to say that I love Reubens. They are my favorite sandwich. I even have a rating scale. I have never found the perfect "10" - but I will one day. A girl's gotta have dreams. Also, believe what you will, but I am absolutely convinced that the Reuben was invented in Omaha. Although I'm currently living in Chicago, I am an Omaha native, and damn proud of our sandwiches.

4. Yes.

Please feel free to comment with more questions about us, our process, or the podcast itself. We'll continue to update on a semi-regular basis. Next up will likely be some information about the premise for the show, as well as some background info about the characters.


  1. So, at what age did you actually encounter your first reuben sandwich? Was it love at first bite?

    :) Keep writing! We want that podcast!!

  2. I actually forsee a blog where every single post is tagged "reubens," for if there is no direct, overt reuben content, surely it's in the subtext for loyal readers, eh?

    Yay, youse guys!
