Tuesday, March 31, 2009

It's an urban fantasy! No, it's a road story! No, it's a buddy movie!

One of the most often-asked questions about this project, of course, is "What kind of a story is this going to be, anyway?" (Incidentally, the most often-asked question is, "Jason, weren't you supposed to finish those tweaks to Episode 2 last month?" but that's neither here nor there.)

It's a good question, really. The first, not the second. The second question sucks, truth be told, and I'm getting a little tired of answering it. Just back off, okay?

Ahem. Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.

So, what kind of a story are we telling? This is a seemingly simple question that actually trips me up sometimes. As River already said, it's certainly an urban fantasy - that is, it's set in generally present times and contains magic, myth and other fantastical elements. So, yeah. It's an urban fantasy.

Looking at it another way, though, it's also a coming-of-age tale. Our hero isn't a bad guy by any means, but he has a lot of growing up to do when we open the story. On some level we're telling a story about one guy figuring out what he wants - or needs - to be when he grows up. The fact that what he needs to be is something he had never even heard of before the story begins is rather beside the point, as it turns out. So it's a coming-of-age story.

Of everything we've written so far, I think my favorite parts are the dialogue between our hero and his best friend. The rhythm feels right - objectively, I think we're doing a good job capturing the sense of their history as friends without the dreaded flashbacks that seem so popular in audio dramas (and I'm sure we'll have one or two of them at some point despite our best efforts). And looking at the arc of the story, the main character would be totally screwed without his friends. Those relationships are pretty critical to the story - and one might argue that they're sort of the point of the whole thing. So I dunno, maybe it's a buddy story.

At the end of the day it probably doesn't matter what neat box I can put the story into. I'll let the as-yet fictional legions of listeners argue about that in the as-yet fictional forums that will surely spring up across the internet for discussion of these issues.


  1. Definitely not RiverMarch 31, 2009 at 6:40 PM

    Quick question... Jason, weren't you supposed to finish those tweaks to Episode 2 last month?

  2. Skeptical of not-RiverMarch 31, 2009 at 6:54 PM

    Hey, back off. Jason is a busy guy and besides, I hear he's working on coming up with *two* brilliant ideas by Sunday.

  3. *snort* at "Definitely not River" and "Skeptical of not-River"

    Who says it has to be neatly categorized? Let it sprawl over many genres. :)
