Monday, July 6, 2009

Cream or sugar?

I was scrolling back through the characters that we've introduced you to thus far, and I think we've hit just about all the major ones... or at least the ones that will have the most impact on the plot. However, I think we have committed a gross miscarriage of justice by not introducing the most important character in the entire series. Before Viper, before Olga, before even our hero Alex... there exists a towering personality. This character is archetypal in sweep - pulls the entire plot together, and delivers the story to its exciting and inevitable conclusion...

I speak, of course, of the Waitress.

Waitresses, actually.

Okay, I might be exaggerating a teeny bit. The Waitress, while often pivotal in that she provides an opportunity for Alex to give or receive information, is not the most important character in the show. But she and her many incarnations sure show up a lot.

What can I say? Alex likes to eat. We have already established that he likes Reubens. And he is on the road an awful lot throughout the entire series. He's going to end up at diners, bars, and coffee shops across the country. I am often on the road for work -- and while I should be better about packing food in advance for a roadtrip, I rarely do. And I end up at diners, bars, and coffee shops across the country. Alex has to leave town in a bit of a hurry, and even though Viper is a good friend... I doubt that he packed him a cooler full of lunch meats and Doritos.

Jason and I often joke that if Alex is at a diner, bar, or coffee shop at one point in the episode, it's probably one that I wrote. This is not always true of my scripts, to be fair. But there is some truth to it.

Could it be that at the time of this post, I am doing the voices for all of the Waitresses that Alex meets as he travels across the country... many of which allow me to speak in my own accent? Maaaaybe. This is not to say that if the right person walks through the door when we begin our audition process that is perfect for the Waitress in Minneapolis, we wouldn't give it to her.... or him for that matter.

But for now, I get to ask how you like your coffee.

How do you like your coffee, anyhow?

1 comment:

  1. I like my coffee like I like my women...

    wrapped in a burlap sack and strapped to a donkey.

