Monday, May 3, 2010

We did it!

Oh my god, we finished it.

In July of 2008, Jason and I got together at a sandwich shop and started brainstorming ideas for an audio drama podcast. We had this ridiculous notion that we could actually pull something like this off. Two years and a bottle of champagne later, we have completed all of the scripts and sent them off to a dear friend who is a professional editor, and who has graciously agreed to edit them for us. (Let it be said that we hope she will remain a dear friend once she realizes what she got herself into.)

We still have the original brainstorming list from that fateful summer day. I just looked it over, and absolutely none of it applies to our current story. Well, I take that back. There are three things:
1. A magician
2. Madame (now Aunt) Olga
3. The magician's hacker friend

That's pretty much it -- the rest really isn't worth recapping. I'm not sure how the heck we got from that list to the story we have now, but I have to say, I'm pretty pleased with what we did with it. I hope you will be too.

Well, once we release it, that is. There are still many, many steps between now and the release of the first episode. Some of those are very exciting steps -- but there are many of them. We'll be sure to keep you updated.

Meanwhile - want to be a part of it? We are still looking for cast members (particularly men, but we still have a few roles for women available as well) - and we still have episodes that need album artwork. Contact either one of us for more details. Tell your friends.

Oh? And by the way... the show has a name now. It's called Escape Clause. We need to change the blog subhead one of these days.

As Viper would say, "Dude. We totally did it. This is so freakin' awesome!"

Indeed, my friend. Indeed.

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